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CQU Centre of International Students Mobility Service Holds Farewell Party for 2024 International Graduates

On the afternoon of June 28, the Farewell Party for 2024 International Graduates of CQU took place at the International Conference Hall of School of Economics and Business Administration, Zone A. Leaders and faculty representatives from CQU Office of International Affairs (Centre of International Students Mobility Service), Graduate School and other functional departments, as well as School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, School of Civil Engineering and other schools and colleges gathered around to bid farewell to the international graduates of the Class of 2024.

Before the farewell party started, a video of graduation message produced by CQU Centre of International Students Mobility Service was screened to extend our best wishes to the international graduates. Afterwards, international graduates including Thai student Wu Mingjuan(吴明娟) presented a dynamic and cheerful modern dance, which kicked off the farewell party.

In his speech, Gao Xiang, Deputy Director of CQU Office of International Affairs, extended his heartfelt congratulations and expectations to the international graduates of the Class of 2024, encouraging them to remain kind, tolerant and thankful, to face the challenges and frustrations with positive and optimistic mindset and an unyielding spirit, and to contribute to the mutual exchange and learning between Chinese and international cultures.

Wan Lijuan, Associate Professor of School of Economics and Business Administration, addressed as the faculty representative, recalling with affection the wonderful time she spent with the international graduates of the Class of 2024 and wishing them a prosperous future.

Lucy, alumni representative and Kenyan alumna of the Bioengineering College Class 2016, recalled her experiences of studying and living at CQU by video speech, shared her cherished memories of working at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences after her graduation, and encouraged junior fellow students to stay inquisitive, immerse themselves in interests, and be prepared to take on challenges to create a future.

Zambian student Xia Meng(夏梦) entertained the audience with her solo Diamond, encouraging them to stay resilient and positive in the face of difficulties and challenges. Italian student Li Sha(利莎) and Jamaican student Ren Mei(韧玫) presented a light and delicate modern dance and a passionate African Caribbean dance respectively, expressing their attachment and best wishes to the international graduates.

Yemeni undergraduate student of Meishi Film Academy, Ai Budi, spoke as the representative of international graduates. He recalled when he first arrived at CQU and how he overcame difficulties in his study, expressed his gratitude to CQU and faculty, and expressed his hope that all fellow graduates would bravely pursue their dreams and make continuous progress.

At the event, Chen Rui, Deputy Director of CQU Centre of International Students Mobility Service, read out a commendation circular for international students' honorary titles in the academic year of 2023-2024, and the relevant leaders awarded certificates to the recipients of the honorary titles such as Outstanding International Graduates, Outstanding International Students, Outstanding International Student Cadres, Advanced Individuals in S&T and Academic Innovations, Advanced Individuals in Cultural and Sports Events as well as Advanced Individuals in Practical Services respectively. In addition, letters of appointment of alumni liaison were awarded to Pakistani student Li Jun and other graduating international students of the Class of 2024, in the hope that they would play an active role in promoting the internationalized development of CQU.

Mr. Li Jiang, Chief of the Visa Unit of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Exit-Entry Administration, briefed the international graduates on the visa policy for continuing their studies, working or starting a business in China after graduation.

Finally, the leaders of CQU Office of International Affairs (Centre of International Students Mobility Service) and faculty representatives dedicated a melodious song Departure to express their blessings to graduates of Class 2024, bringing the farewell party to a successful end.