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The 8th Academic Seminar on Chemical Engineering for Young Scholars held in Chongqing

The 8th Academic Seminar on Chemical Engineering for Young Scholars opens at 8:30am, September 12, 2018 in Chongqing. The event is sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China and organized by the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Chongqing University. Zhang Zongyi, president of Chongqing University, Zhu Wangxi, director of the Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Section of the National Natural Science Foundation, Zhang Guojun, director of the Project Mobile Office, and more than 400 outstanding young persons engaged in the chemical engineering area are present at the Seminar. In addition, the National Natural Science Foundation has invited 6 academicians including Liu Zhongmin, and more than 50 well-known experts and scholars (candidates of Distinguished Young Scholars, Changjiang Scholars and National 10-thousand Talent Program) to the event and all of them have delivered keynote speeches. Zhang Zongyi, CQU president, and Zhu Wangxi, director of the Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Section of the National Natural Science Foundation, have addressed the Seminar.

In the first part, President Zhang Zongyi expresses his sincere congratulations on opening of the Seminar on behalf of Chongqing University, and extends welcome to the officials of the National Natural Science Foundation, the academicians and the experts. After that, Zhang goes over the development history of Chongqing University and the chemistry and chemical engineering discipline, with an emphasis on the current development situation and the promising prospects of CQU and the chemical engineering industry of Chongqing. He points out that as a basic discipline, chemistry and chemical engineering plays a very important role in the “Double-First-Rate” construction of Chongqing, and serves as a pillar industry of Chongqing. It is now in urgent need of substantial disciplinary support from Chongqing University. CQU will further enhance its supporting efforts in construction of chemistry and chemical engineering. Zhang also encourages the academicians and experts to support and get involved in the construction of chemistry and chemical engineering of CQU and the development of Chongqing’s chemical engineering industry. Zhang Zongyi ends his speech with congratulation on a successful closing of the Seminar.

After that, Director Zhu Wangxi gives an introduction to the hot research areas and main research directions in the chemical engineering area, the funding rate of the National Natural Science Foundation, and the project approval statistics and talent distribution of various organizations in the recent decade. Zhu also shares his opinions on scientific research and on the way of being a man and doing things and engaging in scholarship. He encourages young scholars to think freely, make brave hypothesis and seek carefully for evidence when conducting scientific researches, and expresses his hope that the young people now could be responsible, perseverant and affectionate, so that they would have their dreams come true.

On the afternoon, Zhou Xun, secretary of CPC CQU Committee appears at the Seminar and meets the academicians and some experts and scholars.


The two-day Seminar includes a number of sessions, respectively on fine chemical engineering, energy and chemical engineering, and industrial catalysis, separation and transmission. More than 100 young scholars will be delivering a keynote speech at the event.