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CQU professor dubbed as Advanced Returned Overseas Chinese

Recently, the 10th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese has been held in Beijing. CPC and state leaders including Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng and Wang Qishan have attended and addressed the event. Zhao Leji has delivered a speech titled Gathering the Efforts of Overseas Chinese for the New Era, Writing a New Chapter of National Rejuvenation on behalf of the central leading body of CPC. Wan Lijun, executive president of the presidium of the Congress, has delivered a working report on behalf of the 9th Committee of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, titled Implementing New Thoughts, Contributing for the New Era, and Gathering Returned Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese to Strive for Realizing the Great Chinese Dream of Rejuvenating the Chinese Nation. The Decision of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the PRC State Council on Commending Distinguished Overseas Chinese and Advanced Returned Overseas Chinese, the Decision of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese on Commending Advanced Collectives and Advanced Workers in Nationwide Overseas Chinese System, and the Decision of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese on Commending Advanced Organizations and Advanced Individuals in Nationwide Overseas Chinese System have been read out at the Congress, and awards have been given to the winning organizations and individuals.

Professor Cai Kaiyong, a CPPCC member of Shapingba District, a part-time vice chairman of Shapingba District Overseas Chinese Federation and deputy dean of the School of Bio-engineering of Chongqing University has won the title of Advanced Returned Overseas Chinese.