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IMIOT & ICSEE 2018 held at CQU

The 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Internet of Things & International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering has launched on September 22 at Huxi Campus, Chongqing University. IMIOT & ICSEE 2018 is co-organized by Chongqing University, Queen’s University Belfast and Chongqing Association for Science and Technology, with support of the government of Shapingba District and University Consortium on Engineering Education and Research. Nearly 300 persons, including academicians, Changjiang Scholars and Outstanding Young Persons from home and abroad have attended the event. More than experts and scholars from home and abroad have delivered speeches and communicated with each other in 16 sessions.


Professor Lin Mingjin, dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University and an expert under the “Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts” has presided at the opening ceremony. Professor Lin has given an introduction to the honored guest present and the theme and background. Professor Wang Shilong, vice president of Chongqing University, and Professor Mark Price, pro-vice chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast, have both addressed the Conference on behalf of the two sides and wished the event a complete success. Mr. Gou Ping, deputy head of Shapingba District, has extended warm welcome to the attendants on behalf of the government of Shapingba District, and introduced them to the policy promulgated and efforts made by the District in areas such as intelligent manufacturing, development of sustainable energy technology and industry-university-research cooperation. Professor Pan Fusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chongqing Association for Science and Technology, has delivered a speech on behalf of the Association, and has expressed his best wishes. Other honored guests attending the Conference include Professor Chai Tianyou, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Information Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Professor Sarah Spurgeon from the University of London, a “Changjiang Scholar” chair professor appointed by the Ministry of Education, a fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering and one of the 8th batch of experts under the “Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts” of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of CPC, and Professor Chen I-Ming from the Nanyang Technological University, a well-known expert in the robotics area.

Professor Lin Mingjin, dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, is presiding over the opening ceremony.

Professor Wang Shilong, vice president of Chongqing University, is delivering a speech.

Professor Mark Price, pro-vice chancellor, Queen’s University Belfast, is delivering a speech.


Six world well-known experts have attended the Conference and delivered keynote speeches upon invitation. In addition, there are a total of 16 oral representation sessions. The representatives have had discussion about the hot issues, difficult issues and key topics related to development of economy, science and technology and other industries, and have presented and shared their latest scientific and technological research achievements, in an effort to foster dissemination of those achievements and drive development of high and new technology in Chongqing. The themes covered by the event include intelligent manufacturing, big data analysis, intelligent computation and robotics, intelligent control and automation, digital manufacturing and industrial product design, Internet of Things system and fault diagnosis, and electric car and energy storage.


Academician Chai Tianyou is delivering a keynote speech.

Academician Sarah Spurgeon is delivering a keynote speech.

 Professor Chen I-Ming is delivering a keynote speech.


The 2018 China-UK (Chongqing) Forum on Industry-University-Research Cooperation and Standardization for Intelligent Manufacturing and Sustainable Energy and “China-UK Industry-University-Research Innovation Achievement Exhibition” have also been held as part of the event. Innovation projects and technologies, including “7-axis and 6-linkage numerical-control abrasive belt grinding equipment for aero-engine”, “key technologies in numerical-control machine tool reliability engineering and their application”, “key technologies and equipment in gear high-speed dry cutting and rolling process”, “manufacturing system green monitoring and evaluation networking platform based on the Internet of Things”, and “multi-station high-efficiency numerical-control intelligent polishing/grinding technology and equipment”, are among the 42 exhibits. Specifically, 20 of the exhibits are from the UK and 22 are from China. The project representatives are trying to disseminate the needs by releasing the achievements and they have also communicated and discussed with the representatives of enterprises present.

Exhibition of China-UK industry-university-research achievements


In the last part of the opening ceremony, group photos of attendants were taken. This marked the successful end of the opening ceremony of IMIOT & ICSEE 2018, which will last for 3 days. During this period, the attendants will have further discussion regarding intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet of Things and intelligent energy.


Group photo of attendants