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IEEE ICCT 2018 held in Chongqing

The IEEE ICCT 2018-18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology is being held in Chongqing from October 8 to11, 2018.


IEEE ICCT 2018 was initiated jointly by China Institute of Communications and China Institute of Electronics in 1986. It is an international grand gathering in the information and communication technology research area, and has a considerable academic influence. IEEE ICCT 2018 is organized by IEEE and the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering of Chongqing University, and co-organized by Chongqing Institute of Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Xidian University, with assistance of China Institute of Electronics, China Institute of Communications, Chongqing Telecommunication Association, Sichuan Electronics Society, Sichuan University, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Southwest University. Nearly 200 experts and scholars from more than 60 colleges, universities and research institutions throughout China, such as University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Southeast University, Xidian University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and nearly 20 researchers from other countries have attended the Conference.


The opening ceremony of IEEE ICCT 2018 is being held on the morning of October 9. Professor Yang Dan, vice president of Chongqing University, Professor Tan Xiaoheng, vice dean of the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering of CQU and chairman of IEEE ICCT 2018, Professor Tian Fengchun from the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering, chairman of the Steering Committee, Professor Luo Jiangtao, executive vice secretary general of Chongqing Institute of Electronics, Professor Leng Supeng, vice dean of the School of Communication and Information Engineering of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Professor Zou Xihua, vice dean of the School of Information Science and Technology of Southwest Jiaotong University, and Professor Gu Huaxi from Xidian University are all present at the opening ceremony. Professor Liu Min, vice dean of the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering of CQU and executive chairman of the Conference is presiding at the meeting. Professor Yang Dan has extended welcome to the experts and scholars present on behalf of Chongqing University. Tan Xiaoheng and Tian Fengchun have both delivered ebullient speeches and wished the Conference a great success.


After the opening ceremony, Professor Shum Ping from Nanyang Technological University, OSA Fellow & SPIE Fellow, Dr. Sumei Sun from Institute for Infocomm Research, IEEE Fellow, Professor Li Jianqiang from Macau University of Science and Technology, Professor Feng Gang from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Professor Zhang Yan from the University of Oslo, and Dr. Zhang Lei from Chongqing University have been invited to the Conference as keynote speakers.

This Conference covers topics such as network and wireless communication, super-large-scale integrated circuit and system design, information hiding and digital watermarking, multi-media, network information security, RF front-end circuit and system, intelligent mobile device design, coding and signal processing, wearable technology, micro-wave/millimeter wave/terahertz circuit and system, Internet of Things and big data, computer vision and artificial intelligence, 5G communication and network, green communication system, communication equipment modeling, and electromagnetic compatibility antenna design. More than 462 paper abstracts have been received, among which 277 full papers have been finally included in the conference proceeding, 221 have been included in the oral presentation session, and 56 in the poster session. The Conference consists of 5 sub-conferences of oral presentation, including 18 sessions, at which the attendants discuss heatedly about the latest development in the information communication area.


At the Conference, the attendants have had in-depth discussion and communication with respect to the key and hot frontier technology and science. It serves as a platform where the young scholars and senior scientists can exchange their ideas and it also facilitates mutual communication between colleges and universities at home and abroad, and strengthens the connection between the academic circle and the industrial circle. After the Conference ends, the attendants are invited to the University History Museum of Chongqing University, and the main scientific research platforms of the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering. The talent introduction polices of Chongqing University are also publicized on sidelines of two sessions. The attendants are greatly impressed by the style and features of Chongqing University and the School.