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CQU delegation participates in 85th anniversary of National Aviation University of Ukraine

Upon invitation of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, a delegation led by Vice President Liu Hanlong of Chongqing University participated in the 85th anniversary of the National Aviation University from October 8 to 11, 2018. The two parties signed the memorandum of understanding with respect to co-building of a collaboratively-run school by the two universities.


The meeting at National Aviation University of Ukraine was chaired by Professor Oleksandr Zaporozhets, the vice president of the University in charge of international affairs. Professor Oleksandr Zaporozhets expressed his strong support for the China-Ukraine collaborative school running in disciplines such as aeronautical engineering (engine design and repairing), communication engineering (avionics) and power engineering. The related schools and departments of the two universities will have further discussion and then have the specific collaborative school-running agreement signed.


Liu Hanlong expressed his hope that the two parties would speed up the process of negotiation about the cooperative school running agreement, and actively push forward the declaration to the Ministry of Education. At the same time, Liu Hanlong invited the university and related school and department officials to Chongqing  University on behalf of the latter, to discuss specific issues related to the collaborative school-running agreement.

During the meeting, Chongqing University delegation paid a visit to the Aviation Museum of the University (National Aviation Museum) and the largest education hangar in Europe. Liu Hanlong attended the anniversary meeting and the award ceremony. President of Ukraine has sent a congratulatory message. Officials of the President’s Office, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Education and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) also attended and addressed the event.

When in Kyiv, Chongqing University delegation paid a visit to the University of Kyiv (Tallas-Shevchenko National University). Professor Petro O. Bekh, the vice president in charge of scientific research, cultivation and international affairs, attended the meeting and signed the memorandum of understanding.

Chongqing University is currently planning to build 3 Chinese-foreign collaboratively-run schools. After the two disciplines (programs) of the CQU-UC Joint Co-op Institute pass the evaluation, there will be two additional programs, the civil engineering program and software engineering program. After that, it will be upgraded to a Chinese-foreign collaboratively-run school. The collaborative school running with the National Aviation University of Ukraine in aviation, communication and power should be expedited, and preparation should be made for building the “CQU-Antonov Aviation  School”. It is planned that a collaboratively-run school will be built in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast.


Zhang Ling, secretary of the CPC Committee of the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering, Yang Chen, deputy dean of the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Zhang Yongxiang, director of the Admission Office, and Gao Xiang, deputy directory of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, were all members of the delegation.