On February 9, 2021, High-end Academic Forum of Artificial Intelligence Institute of Chongqing University (Session 10), sponsored by the Artificial Intelligence Institute of Chongqing University (Session 10), was held online. This event was co-organized by the 111 Intelligence-introduction Base for “Intelligent Control and Autonomous Coordination of Unmanned Systems” of Chongqing University and the International Joint Research Center for Wireless Power Transmission Technology.
The Forum was chaired by Song Yongduan, president of the Artificial Intelligence Institute of Chongqing University. Chen Junlong, fellow of the Academy of Europe, fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering Science of South China University of Technology, attended the Forum and delivered an academic speech, titled “neural network with dynamic structure: building the model of stacking width neural network into depth model”. Attendants of the Forum include experts and scholars from colleges, universities, scientific research institutions and related enterprises, and college students throughout China.

In his speech, Chen Junlong proposed a neural network with dynamic structure: building the model of stacking width neural network into depth model. This model is characterized by advantages such as high efficiency and speed of the width learning system, with increased depth of the network by stacking up a number of width learning system modules through residual connection, so as to improve the learning ability of the network.

The stacking width neural network proposed by the team of Chen Junlong has superiority in a number of data sets. In various tests of image database, it was proved to be superior to many other existing image classification methods. Furthermore, compared with the depth neural network method, the neural network with a dynamic structure is able to significantly reduce the number of parameters required for network computation.

At this Forum, attendants exchanged ideas on and summarized the latest research progress and achievements in the neural network area of China and had a focused discussion on the stacking width neural network. It served as a platform for experts and scholars of the area to discuss their new ideas, exchange new technologies and exhibit new achievements. Furthermore, the holding of this event at Chongqing University sets the stage for experts and scholars of the area throughout China to exchange academic ideas and improve their academic level, and plays a positive role in driving the development of the neural network in China.
Appendix: Profile of Professor Chen Junlong
Chen Junlong, dean and chair professor of the School of Computer Science and Engineering Science of South China University of Technology, chair professor of the University of Macau and former dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau, vice chairman of Chinese Association of Automation, a globally highly cited scientist of Clarivate, a reviewing member of ABET, an editor in chief of the top journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and former editor in chief of IEEE Trans.on Systems, and Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. His research areas include intelligent systems and control and computational intelligence. Chen has won honors and awards including the Norbert Wiener Award, the top honor for the theory of systematic science control of IEEE, 3 awards for natural science in Macau, the first award for science and technology of Guangdong Province and 2 best papers of the year of the yearly journal IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. The scientific research support and achievements of Professor Chen include the key R&D project (chief) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, the scientific research in the AI direction as part of the key projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the subsidy from the scientific and technological foundation of Guangdong, Guangzhou and Macau. The most noticeable contribution Professor Chen has made to the engineering education of Macau is the Washington Accord certification and Seoul Accord certification of the engineering disciplines and computer engineering of the University of Macau.