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CQU Becomes a Chinese Member for the China-Africa 100 Universities Cooperation Program in the Field of Mineral Resources

Recently, the Work Promotion Meeting for the China-Africa 100 Universities Cooperation Program took place at Beijing Foreign Studies University. The event was organized by the Chinese Association of Higher Education (CAHE) and attended by the leadership of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and CAHE, as well as leaders and representatives of relevant higher education institutions. Liu Li, Deputy Dean of the CQU School of Resources and Safety Engineering, attended the event and delivered a presentation on the CQU's achievements and prospects of China-Africa cooperation in the field of mineral resources.

The China-Africa 100 Universities Cooperation Program is a major initiative to put into practice the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development proposed by President Xi Jinping at the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue in Johannesburg. The MOE Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges provides guidance to the program, while the CAHE is responsible for organizing the application for the program and selection of eligible candidates for the program. This program covers 10 areas, including mineral resources, digital education, health, agricultural development, trade and investment, interconnectivity, environment and sustainability, language, culture & mutual learning among civilizations, social governance, media communication and national identity. It is reported that a total of 255 higher education institutions applied for a membership in this program. After eligibility review, meeting-based selection, and official announcement, 50 higher education institutions were finally admitted as a Chinese member of the China-Africa 100 Universities Cooperation Program, including 5 universities in the field of mineral resources; and 252 higher education institutions were admitted as a Chinese member of the "China-Africa Consortium of Universities" exchange mechanism, including 23 universities in the field of mineral resources. CQU was selected for both programs and became a member university in the field of mineral resources.

CQU's efforts in application for relevant programs are headed by CQU Prof. Lu Yiyu. Directed by the CQU Office of International Affairs, the CQU School of Resources and Safety Engineering brings into full play its strengths in such disciplines as mining engineering, safety science and engineering, resources and environment, so as to promote cooperation in talent development, scientific research cooperation and academic exchanges in the field of mineral and resources with African universities, Chinese-funded enterprises and governmental authorities. The successful admission marks a new milestone in the CQU's cooperation with Africa in the field of mineral resources and a new success in implementing CQU's international strategies.