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CQU Sees Sustained Improvements in Nature Index 2024 Annual Tables

On June 19, the Nature Index 2024 Research Leaders released (previously the Nature Index Annual Tables). According to the list, CQU is ranked 72nd in the global rankings, up 20 places compared to the previous year, and up 125 places since the second round of "double first-class" initiative. This is the best record for CQU since the release of the list.

Reportedly, the Nature Index was debuted in November 2014, and has now emerged as a globally influential and important indicator of high-quality research output and collaboration among countries, regions and institutions in natural sciences. The index features statistics on the number of publications and their share of contributions from countries, regions or institutions in selected high-quality journals in natural sciences, such as chemistry, life sciences, earth and environment, and physics.

CQU attaches great importance to the development of basic science disciplines in the field of natural sciences. In recent years, CQU has intensively implemented the Action Plan for Excellence in Basic Science. In this process, CQU has been designated as home of the Southwest Center for Theoretical Physics of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Analytical Mathematics and Applications of the Ministry of Education, joined efforts to build the State Key Laboratory of Special Chemical Power Sources, rolled out plans to build cutting-edge interdisciplinary platforms for fluid and biomathematical sciences, advanced electro-energy chemistry, and bio-engineering technology, and driven a comprehensive enhancement of the original innovation capability in basic science disciplines. These efforts help expedite the creation of a new pattern of high-level research-oriented comprehensive university disciplines that is more responsive to the characteristics of the new era, the orientation of CQU, and the needs of regional economic and social development.