MoE Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technology & System (LEUTS) was approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) in October 2012. It is based in Chongqing University.
LEUTSconsists of several research laboratories, including Lab of High Efficiency Conversion &Utilization of Renewable Energy, Lab of Low-grade Fuel Clean &Efficient Energy Utilization, Lab of Low-grade Residual Heat Energy Efficient Utilization, Lab ofDistributed Energy Technology &System, etc. LEUTSfocuses on the national R&D strategy and energy strategy, the social development and the national energy security. Its objectivesare to realize the technology and system of the low-grade energy efficient utilization, and to carry out research on low-grade energy science and technology that closely related to the construction of the national economy.
LEUTS conducts applied fundamental research as well as technology development and applications. The main research directions include: (1) high efficiency energy conversion and utilization of low-graderenewable energy; (2) the technology and theory of clean and efficient energy utilization of low-grade fossil fuels; (3) low-grade residual heat energy efficient utilization theory and technology; (4) the theory and technology of distributed energy system based on multiple low-grade energy resources.