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[NPC&CPPCC interview] Liu Zhanfang: Tightening drop-out mechanism of colleges and eliminating disqualified students

 “Colleges and universities should establish a student drop-out management concept and tighten the rigid drop-out management mechanism, so as to stimulate the students’ motivation to study and carry out researches and maintain and improve the quality of talents that have received higher education.” Liu Zhanfang, a member of the National Committee of CPPCC in Chongqing, said to the reporters when talking about how we could improve the quality of higher education in the waiting hall of Beijing Conference Center.


 “Some college students and postgraduates are often absent from classes. Some play mobile games in class. Some are lazy and would not get prepared before class or review the lessons after class.” Liu has taught in university for 28 years and knows this very well. He said that many teachers had in fact lowered the requirements and made the exams much easier; otherwise a considerable part of students would not be able to get the credits and a lot of them would be unable to graduate. Liu Zhanfang told the reporters that it is the minimum requirement for a qualified college student to study hard and meet the fundamental teaching and skill requirements and pass the exams. “This border is never to be crossed; otherwise the quality of higher education will only deteriorate”.


Liu Zhanfang pointed out that the entrance requirements should be lowered and the graduation requirements should be tightened for college students, while students’ quality guaranteed. High standards and stringent requirements should be set up to guarantee teaching quality. He added that the graduation qualification should be strictly controlled to narrow the difference between famous universities and ordinary ones. This would help with promotion of balanced development of higher education in different regions and eliminate fickleness that lies in university ranking. “The Ministry of Education has already set up regulations on drop-out management. This mechanism should be tightened and the emanation concept and ideas should be set up to promote quality of graduates.”