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Advancing Meeting of Serving “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing and Kick-off Meeting of the 90th Anniversary of Chongqing University held at CQU

On October 12, 2018, the Advancing Meeting of Serving “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing and Kick-off Meeting of the 90th Anniversary of Chongqing University is being held at Huxi Campus, Chongqing University on October 12, 2018. Officials of the Organizing Department of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Chongqing Economy and Informationization Commission, Chongqing Education Commission, Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Chongqing Health and Family Planning Commission, and the related authorities of Liangjiang New Area, Shapingba District, Jiulongpo District and Bishan District and the district government officials, and more than 1,000 teachers and students, officials, academicians and schoolfellow representatives of Chongqing University are all present at the event. Yang Dan, managing vice president of Chongqing University, is presiding at the Meeting.

Celebrate to expedite construction, and foster “Double-First-Rate” construction

 Chongqing University has started to celebrate its “90th Anniversary”. Taking this opportunity, Chongqing University will expedite its construction and through various celebrating activities, it will attempt to facilitate the “Double-First-Rate” construction, with the celebration theme “staying true to the mission, gathering all forces, building a distinct culture and building a first-rate university”. According to the Key Work Scheme for Supporting Chongqing University in Serving the “Three Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plan” printed and issued by the municipal government, Chongqing University will further deploy related work and create an inspiring development atmosphere for Chongqing University.


President Zhang Zongyi of Chongqing University has pointed out in his speech delivered at the Meeting that Chongqing University should continue to study and implement the thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era proposed by President Xi Jinping of China and the spirit conveyed at the National Education Conference, and should concentrate efforts on the CPC construction within the University. We should foster the “four-awareness” and consolidate the “four-confidence”, and strictly follow the instructions of Secretary Chen Min’er and Mayor Tang Liangzhi, and further strengthen the awareness of “taking the first-rate universities as the benchmark, pursuing excellence, serving development and forging the future”. In addition, Chongqing University should take this historical opportunity to enhance its influence throughout Chongqing, and concentrate efforts on notion transformation, practice innovation and system reform, and serve the “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing with visible achievements in “Double-First-Rate” construction, thus driving the connotative development of Chongqing University and high-quality development of Chongqing.

President Zhang Zongyi has announced the detailed deployment of Chongqing University with respect to cultivation and creation of top-quality innovation-oriented talents, steady adjustment, optimization and improvement of disciplines, promotion of scientific and technological strength and innovation capacity, constant efforts in construction of high-level teaching staff and furtherance of high-standard international cooperation and exchange. President Zhang has stressed that Chongqing University should focus on livelihood projects, identify new growth points, improve the systems and mechanisms, and gather school running resources, so as to expedite the “Double-First-Rate” construction, and contribute to connotative development, thus building Chongqing University as satisfactory to all people.


After announcement of the deployment for “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans”, Chongqing University has been sticking to the strategic layout and requirement for development of Chongqing, and making contributions to the “strategic action plan for innovation-driven development led by intelligence”. Specific measures include adjustment of disciplinary planning and optimization of the layout of information related disciplines and specialties. In July 2018, based on integration of related resources, Chongqing University has set up the School of Big Data and Software Engineering as the former School of Software Engineering as the basis and has set up the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering as the former School of Communication Engineering as the basis. Through adjustment of the disciplines and specialties, Chongqing University attempts to speed up cultivation of professional talents in the big data and artificial intelligence areas, so as to make further contributions to the development of big data and intelligence industry of Chongqing.

At the Meeting, President Zhang Zongyi, Kang Qian, deputy head of the Organizing Department of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, and Liu Yanbing, deputy director of Chongqing Education Commission inaugurated the School of Big Data and Software Engineering and the School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering.

To cater for the need of frontier scientific and technological development of the world and the main battlefield of economy and the major need of China, accelerate notion transformation, practice innovation and system reform, facilitate interdisciplinary integration, identify new growth points of disciplines, expedite the “Double-First-Rate” construction, and enhance the scientific and technological innovation capacity and leading level of Chongqing, Chongqing University has established the Advanced Academy of Interdisciplinary Sciences in 2017.


According to Vice President Liu Hanlong of Chongqing University, the University is actively involved in the national and local innovation-driven development strategy, and concentrating efforts on innovation of the organization management mode and mechanism and systems of scientific research. Chongqing University has established a scientific research management body, and the “1+5” scientific and technological innovation system made up of the Advanced Academy of Interdisciplinary Sciences and five scientific research entities. The Advanced Academy of Interdisciplinary Sciences functions independently as a second-level research institution. The “Research Center for Plant Functional Genomics” and the “Research Center for Trans-dimension Cellular Materials” have been set up.

At the Meeting, Zhou Xun, secretary of CPC CQU Committee, and Chen Jun, deputy director of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, have inaugurated the Advanced Academy of Interdisciplinary Sciences,


Utilizing resources of Bayu Region to serve the development of Chongqing


Since the founding of Chongqing University, it has been sticking to the school running mission to “study academics, create talents, inspire the country and prosper the society”, and taking “utilizing resources of Bayu Region to serve the development of Chongqing” as the major strategy of university construction. Chongqing University is seeking for rapid development of its own while making positive contributions to the social and economic development of Chongqing.


On April 17, 2018, Chongqing University submitted the Scheme of Chongqing University for Serving the “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing to CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the municipal government, as part of its involvement in the “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans”. Recently, the municipal government released the Key Work Scheme for Supporting Chongqing University in Serving the “Three Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plan”. According to the Key Work Scheme, Chongqing University will fully utilize the intellectual resources and scientific research platform resources of the University and its leading role in the University Town according to the talent cultivation and scientific and technological innovation requirements in the “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans”. With a long-term vision and a focus on the 3 years to come, Chongqing University has selected 17 tasks as the key tasks of 5 categories for Chongqing University to serve the “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans”.

Guided by the Key Work Scheme and the Scheme, the related key tasks of Chongqing University are in smooth and orderly progress, with milestone achievements made. As the first co-building organization, the Chongqing Academy of S&T for Development of Chongqing University will provide brainpower for decision making by the municipal government and CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee in areas such as artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, new materials and military and civilian integration. In order to enhance the supercomputing capacity of Chongqing, Chongqing University is now preparing to establish the Chongqing Intelligent Supercomputing Center with distinct features and domestically leading capacity. The medical disciplines of Chongqing University have very high starting point. The University has established the Institute for Advanced Studies in Medicine and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Affiliated hospitals not directed administered have been established in collaboration with Chongqing Cancer Hospital and Chongqing Emergency Medical Center. An affiliated hospital directly administered has been established in collaboration with the government of Shapingba District. Liangjiang New Area is planning to invest in establishment of a high-standard grade-3 and first-class hospital as the affiliated hospital of Chongqing University. Chongqing University has set up two new two-year first-level disciplines with master’s degree, namely, the foundation medicine and clinical medicine. It is also making efforts in combination of engineering with medicine, and building Chongqing University into one that attracts and cultivates high-standard talents in medicine.


In addition, Chongqing University is also actively cultivating and building large scientific equipment for super-transient substances, which will be the first one of its kind in Chongqing. It is doing this to serve the strategic deployment of Chongqing in areas including R&D and local dissemination of scientific and technological achievements, cultivation of talents in information, building of high-level talent teams and international S&T innovation project cooperation.


Chang Bin, mayor of the government of Shapingba District, has delivered a speech as the representative of honored guests. In his speech, Chang has congratulated the official opening of the 90th Anniversary celebration of Chongqing University. He has pointed out Shapingba District will grant substantial support for construction and development of Chongqing, so as to allow the University to build a solid foundation and then grow and prosper in Shapingba District, Chongqing. He also has expressed his hope that Chongqing University and Shapingba District would carry forward with the university-local government cooperation and expand cooperation areas to achieve a win-win result.

Zhou Xun, secretary of CPC CQU Committee has pointed out in his summary speech that the purpose of holding the Advancing Meeting of Serving “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing and Kick-off Meeting of the 90th Anniversary of Chongqing University is to combine the two critical tasks into one, so that they could be deployed, carried out and implemented synchronously. It reflects the close connection and solidarity between Chongqing University and the people of Chongqing, and embodies the firm resolution of Chongqing University to build a solid foundation in Chongqing and become a world-first-rate university.

Zhou Xun has stressed that, on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary, Chongqing University should summarize the experience in school running in the past 90 years, and should also identify the new starting points for future development. The preparation of the anniversary should be combined with the “Double-First-Rate” construction, the “total-involvement education, whole-process education and all-round education” comprehensive reform and creation of the national civilized campus, so as to drive construction through celebration, and make it a “culture-based celebration”, “academics-based celebration”, “open celebration” and “economically efficiency celebration”.


Previous schoolfellows gathering in Chongqing to support Chongqing University’s development


The Advancing Meeting of Serving “Three Major Tough Fights” and “Eight Action Plans” of Chongqing and Kick-off Meeting of the 90th Anniversary of Chongqing University has been substantially supported by previous schoolfellows of Chongqing University and has drawn extensive attention. More than 100 previous schoolfellows have come back all the way to Chongqing to take part in the celebrating activities. Tang Lixin, a graduate of 1985 of the School of Computer and Automation and chairman of Shinesun, has been caring for and supporting the development of Chongqing University for a long time. Since 2009, he has successively set up scholarship and grants and “Tang Lixin Education Development Foundation” at Chongqing University. In 2015, he decided to donate 300 million yuan to Chongqing University to build the “Lixin Building”. Tang Lixin has come all the way to Chongqing University to take part in the “90th University” of the University, and donated another 50 million yuan for construction of “Lixin Building”. Wang Xu, deputy secretary of CPC CQU Committee, has presented Tang Lixin with a certificate of donation.

Having learned that Chongqing University has set up the School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Mr. Dong Defu, a graduate of 1994 of the Second Department of Mechanical Engineering, and chairman of MFOX proposed to donate 10 million yuan to Chongqing University as the construction funds of the disciplines of the School. Tao Juhu, deputy secretary of CPC CQU Committee, has presented Dong Defu with a certificate of donation.

The No. 1 announcement of the 90th anniversary, the anniversary logo and dedicated website of the 90th anniversary have been released at the event. Guo Xiaomin, a graduate of 2006 of the School of Meishi Film Academy, a famous host of Jiangsu TV, and winner of the “Gold Mike Award” of the China Broadcasting and Hosting Competition, has come back to Chongqing University to release the No. 1 announcement. In addition, the Alumni Association of Chongqing University has specially written a poem titled Meaningful Love and Pioneering Will. Previous schoolfellows across the world have been invited to Chongqing, to witness the development and achievements of Chongqing University.

In the 90 years since its founding, Chongqing University has been making unremitting efforts in cultivating talents and seeking knowledge, despite various difficulties. Chongqing University will always keep in mind the important mission to serve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and will build itself into a world-first-rate university with a broader international horizon, deeper strategic insights, and a loftier historical stance, with the determination to “take the first-rate universities as the benchmark, pursue excellence, serve development and forge the future”.