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CQU ranks 9th in outstanding achievement award (science and technology) for scientific research in colleges and universities in 2018

The Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education has recently published the list of proposed winners of the outstanding achievement award (science and technology) for scientific research in colleges and universities of 2018. A total of 300 general projects (specifically there are 132 natural science awards, 47 technical invention awards and 121 scientific and technological progress awards) and 10 individuals (young scientist awards) are included in the list. The 8 special projects proposed as award winning projects (including 7 technical invention awards and 1 scientific and technological award) was published internally by the respective colleges and universities.

According to the statistics of the first undertaking organizations of general projects, Chongqing University has taken the lead of 7 proposed award winning projects. Specifically, there are 2 first natural science awards, 1 first award for scientific and technological progress, 3 second natural science awards and 1 second award for scientific and technological progress, ranking the 9th nationwide. In particular, it is the first time that Chongqing  University has won the first natural science award in the past 10 years.

The outstanding achievement award (science and technology) for scientific research in colleges and universities is issued to outstanding projects undertaken by colleges and universities across China. The awards are issued once a year and there is the natural science award, technical invention award, award for scientific and technological progress and young scientist award.