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CQU has 8 “Chinese Most Cited Researchers”

On January 17, 2019, Elsevier, a global giant of the academic publishing sector, released the list of “Chinese Most Cited Researchers” of 2018. The list covers a total of 38 disciplines, 229 employers and 1,899 researchers. Chongqing  University has 8 “Chinese Most Cited Researchers”. In 2017, the number was 6. See the following figure for details of the researchers:

Professor Fu Shaoyun was transferred to Chongqing University from Chinese Academy of Sciences at the end of 2015. However, the employer of Professor Fu Shaoyun is still the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the list released by Elsevier. We are sorry for that.


The list of “Chinese Most Cited Researchers” is based on the research data contained in Scopus Database owned by Elsevier. Xiao Yang of the School of Civil Engineering and Liao Xiaofeng of the School of Computer Science of Chongqing University are included in the list for the first time. Chongqing University is ranked the 48th place among the list in terms of total number of included researchers.