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Annual meeting 2019 of WEMOOC held at CQU

On March 27, 2019, the Annual Meeting 2019 of WEMOOC and 6th Anniversary of WEMOOC was held at the Science Auditorium, Campus B of Chongqing University as part of the 90th Anniversary celebration of Chongqing University. The theme of the annual meeting was “Present depends on the future-Empowered by technology and deepening education reform”. President Zhang Zongyi of Chongqing  University attended the annual meeting and delivered a keynote speech. Vice President Liao Ruijin also attended and addressed the meeting. Lin Jianhua, vice chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of China's National People's Congress, former president of Beijing University, and honorary president of WEMOOC, Gao Song, president of South China University of Technology and executive director of WEMOOC, Song Yi, first-class inspector of Higher Education Department, the Ministry of Education, and Wu Yundong, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of Beijing University Shenzhen Graduate School, as well as another about 1,100 representatives from more than 400 colleges and universities in China were present at the event.

Liao Ruijin pointed out in his speech that in the 6 years after establishment of WEMOOC, it had developed into the largest open courseware consortium in China that is serving the greatest number of students. Facing the new reforms, it is our shared duty to fulfill the basic task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people, improve talent nurturing quality, and cultivate high-quality and innovation-oriented talents with an international view. It is also the new opportunities for future development of WEMOOC.

Zhang Zongyi delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony titled “Foundation is what matters the most – The root of first-rate undergraduate education”. The speech focused on the overall thought on creating the first-rate undergraduate education with Chinese characteristics and styles of Chongqing University. President Zhang also gave a view to the innovation practice of curriculum construction and reform of teaching evaluation, and the initial achievements that had already been obtained.

Song expressed his appreciation for achievements made by WEMOOC, and his hope that WEMOOC would take the opportunity of the “Double-One-Thousand Program” of the Ministry of Education, and concentrate efforts on construction of high-quality MOOC, and keep creating new MOOC application modes, in an ultimate effort to strengthen social influence of MOOC, enhance macro planning and management of MOOC development and turn a new page of development of MOOC in China.

Lin Jianhua shared his opinions on how we could improve the quality of higher education in the future. He pointed out approaches including seizing the opportunities to cope with the changing outside world, sticking to the original intention and inspiring students’ potential, and following the rule and usher in a bright future.

At the meeting, experts and professors from Beijing University, East China University of Science and Technology, Kashgar University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Yunnan Normal University, Hainan Tropical Ocean University and Northeast Forestry University had discussion on topics including “MOOC in the west and synchronous classroom”, “Kezhan-the ‘third space’ for teachers”, and “micro-specialty-interdisciplinary talent nurturing”. Representatives from Tongji University, Lanzhou University, the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, and Beijing University delivered keynote speeches titled respectively “building gold courses”, “present depends on the future”, “live and grow, live and teach”, “coordination chemistry”, “MOOC practice in China”, “significance and requirements for aesthetic education”, and “future leadership”. Representatives from another 15 colleges and universities including University of International Business and Economics, Guangxi Normal University, Sichuan University and Nankai University shared their opinions at sub-forums respectively themed “forging spirits and cultivating people”, “undergraduate education in the new era”, “new engineering courses”, “Made in China ” and “technology empowered teaching”.