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The 13th Guo Kexin Summer Course in Electron Microscopy and Crystallography and the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Structural Materials held by CQU

The 13th Guo Kexin Summer Course on Electron Microscopy and Crystallography and the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Structural Materials are being held at the Lotus Hotel, Shapingba, Chongqing from July 14 to 17, 2021.

Mr. Guo Kexin is a well-known expert in electron microscopy and crystallography of China. Mr. Guo was the first one in China to put forward the concept of high-resolution electron microscope and then began to observe the crystal structure directly from the atomic scale. Guo Kexin has devoted himself to China's materials science, crystallography and electronic microscopy and has trained a large number of excellent talents. More than 120 of his students are now playing an important role in major research institutions across the country and even around the world. In order to inherit Guo Kexin's legacy, Guo Kexin's students have held Guo Kexin Summer Course in Electron Microscopy and Crystallography every year since 2008, providing a platform for young researchers and graduate students to exchange and study with electron microscopy experts. By now, this event has become one of the most influential meetings in the field of electron microscopy in China.

The event was jointly sponsored by Guo Kexin Education Foundation and School of Materials Science and Engineering of Chongqing University (the School), and lasted for 4 days. The event includes a workshop on electron microscope characterization, conference lectures, four parallel sessions and special report session for students. In addition, a special online report session is opened for overseas experts on electron microscope who cannot show up at the venue in person due to COVID-19. The theme of the event covers the frontier research areas of materials science, such as structural materials, functional materials and material characterization technology. Nearly 300 experts, scientific researchers and young students from world-famous universities and enterprises attended the event to exchange and shared their latest achievements in electronic microscopy and material science research.

Huang Xiaoxu, dean of the School of Material Science and Engineering of Chongqing University, presided at the opening ceremony. Huang extended his warm welcome and thanks to honored guests present at the event, and gave a view of the basic information on the event. After that, Huang briefly summarized the latest developments, opportunities and challenges in the area of advanced structural material characterization.

Ma Xiuliang, secretary general of Guo Kexin Education Foundation and researcher of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. In his speech, Ma gave a brief introduction to Guo Kexin's life experience and research achievements, the development process of electron microscopy of the Institute, and Guo Kexin Summer Course on Electron Microscopy and Crystallography in previous years. In addition, Ma Xiuliang put forward three main purposes of the event: carrying forward Academician Guo Kexin's scientific research and academic spirit, strengthening academic exchanges among scientific researchers, and promoting the further development of electron microscope characterization technology.

The event places great emphasis on the cultivation of postgraduates and young researchers, and included a special lecture on "electron diffraction and phase analysis" for young students chaired by Ma Xiuliang. Young students from all over the country learned much basic knowledge of electron microscopy from the lecture delivered by Ma Xiuliang that lasted nearly four hour. The event also included a special session for excellent postgraduates, and more than 20 excellent doctoral candidates and postgraduate students reported their scientific research achievements at the special session. Students have said that they felt grateful for this opportunity to deliver a report at such an important national academic event, and they learned a lot and got improved through this event.