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2021 East-Asia AGN Workshop held successfully

The “2021 East-Asia AGN Workshop” co-sponsored by Chongqing University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Science and Technology of China, is being held at Chongqing University from October 11 to 13, 2021. This Workshop is the 7th meeting as part of the series of seminars on active galactic nuclei and super-massive black holes held in East-Asia, the first of which was held in 2012. The Workshop welcomes all researchers in East Asia who are interested in research areas related to active galactic nuclei. Totally 218 experts and researchers from China (including Taiwan), Japan and Korea participated in the event.

Due to the persistence of COVID-19, the Workshop was held both on line and off line synchronously. Nearly 70 participants attended the event in person, and others attended the event by electronic means. On the morning of October 11, the Workshop kicked off in Huxi Campus of Chongqing University. Professor Xue Yongquan from the University of Science and Technology of China presided over the opening ceremony. Researcher Gu Minfeng from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Wu Xinggang, dean of the School of Physics of Chongqing University respectively delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the Organizing Committee and the School. At the Workshop, invited academic speeches were delivered by Researcher Wang Jianmin from the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher Lu Rusen from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researchers Shunsuke Baba and Takuma Izumi from National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and Professor Yang Xiangyi from National Tsing Hua University. Totally 50 academic speeches were delivered and 46 academic posters were exhibited at the Workshop, covering theoretical and observational researches in areas including black hole accretion, jet/outflow, AGN feedback, and super-massive black hole galaxy co-evolution.

This event has been financially supported by the Academic Exchange Platform for Theoretical Physics of Chongqing University under the National Natural Science Foundation and Chongqing Physics Association.

Website of the Workshop: